Adventure Time is the cartoon that combines the imaginative spirit of old fashioned RPGs and platform video games sensibilities in a rubbery post apocalyptic Candyland. Best buddies Finn The Human and Jake The Dog, along with Princess Bubblegum, The Ice King, Lumpy Space Princess, Lady Rainicorn, Beemo The Game Computer, Marceline The Vampire Queen and a host of other characters mix it up with general goofiness. Always surreal, often hilarious, sometimes poignant, Adventure Time is a unique pop culture experience.
Thanks to Madman Entertainment we’re giving away the first three seasons of Adventure Time on Blu-Ray. Now the annoying bit. Yes you have to do something, butt chickens, otherwise how else will we know who the Glob you are?
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On the 21st of February a winner will be selected at random based on various esoteric mathamatic calculations and the roll of an 8 side dice.