From ‘Pride and Prejudice’ to ‘Persuasion’: Can Jane Austen Survive the Millennium? Film & TV July 29, 2022
Channel 5’s Anne Boleyn – ‘Grumble all you like, this is how it’s going to be’ Film & TV June 12, 2021
From ‘Pride and Prejudice’ to ‘Persuasion’: Can Jane Austen Survive the Millennium? Film & TV July 29, 2022
From ‘Wicked Wife’ to ‘Insane Traitor’: The Continued Slander of Jane Boleyn History January 25, 2021
His Dark Materials Book to Screen Analysis: Episode 8 Season Finale ‘Betrayal’ His Dark Materials December 29, 2019
The Mythology of Jane Boleyn: What was Jane and Anne Boleyn’s Relationship Like? History September 13, 2022
History Salon: Elizabeth Wydeville – The Queen’s Reputation Olga Hughes HistoryInterviews October 2, 2014
Love Is A Dagger – In which we ponder whether for Shakespeare love is mere words, or an altogether more penetrating object. Shakespeare August 5, 2023
Love Is A Dagger – In which we ponder whether for Shakespeare love is mere words, or an altogether more penetrating object. C S Hughes Shakespeare August 5, 2023
The problems of Richard III’s Y chromosome; the problems relating to the burials at Clare Priory, and the problems of working with Historic England HistoryRichard III May 22, 2017
If The Doctor Could Drop In On Your Timeline And Give You One Piece Of Advice, What Would It Be? C S Hughes September 16, 2014I’m not talking about the lottery numbers, but rather, a piece of Doctorish advice. Imagine the TARDIS appeared in a...
Doctor Who: Listen – Fear Makes Companions of All of Us Olga Hughes September 14, 2014“Fear makes companions of all of us, Miss Wright.” the first Doctor told Barbara back in 1963 in The Forest...
Doctor Who Versus Slightly Red Robin & The Robots Of Sherwood C S Hughes September 14, 2014In many ways it is difficult to not admire Communism. I don’t mean the kind of cranky, overbearing, shoe slamming...
Doctor Who: Robot of Sherwood Top Ten Olga Hughes September 8, 2014It seems like an age since we have had a traditional episodic Doctor Who story. Coming on the heels of...
Doctor Who: Into the Dalek – The Doctor, The Soldier and the Good Dalek Olga Hughes September 2, 2014Am I a good man? Fresh off Deep Breath‘s most disturbing moment, did he or didn’t he push the Half...
Doctor Who – Into The Dalek – An Awesomely Sci-Fi Adventure C S Hughes August 31, 2014Amongst all the wrangling over relationships, sometimes it seems something is lost from Doctor Who. Whether Rory is jealous of...
Doctor Who: The Regeneration of Clara Oswald Olga Hughes August 26, 2014Just before we talk about Clara… Peter Capaldi is not an Old Man So give it a rest already. We...
With Peter Capaldi Whovians Breathe A Deep Sigh Of Relief C S Hughes August 26, 2014Deep Breath, the first episode featuring new Doctor, Peter Capaldi, aired in cinemas and worldwide simulcast over the weekend, and...
Doctor Who: Steven Moffat Says Peter Jackson Episode Will Probably Happen Olga Hughes July 24, 2014In our annual update on the rumoured Peter Jackson Doctor Who episode, Steven Moffat has revealed that Peter is still...
Doctor Who the First Time: An Unearthly Experience for a Child Neil Kemp February 17, 2014It was early evening in late November. The lights were already on and the curtains drawn in a vain attempt...
Doctor Who: 100% Rebel Timelord – Peter Capaldi’s Costume Revealed Olga Hughes January 28, 2014BBC has revealed the Twelfth Doctor Peter Capaldi’s official costume for series eight. And he’s looking rather dapper. Peter’s new...
Doctor Who: First Photos Of Capaldi’s Scenes Cause Controversy C S Hughes January 18, 2014The BBC’s Doctor Who publicity machine is no small thing. Doctor Who is the BBC’s biggest export, and perhaps their...
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor’s Top Eleven Adventures Olga Hughes December 24, 2013It’s time to say goodbye to our beloved Eleventh Doctor, our geeky, garrulous, Peter-Pannish Eleventh who gambolled his way into...
Doctor Who 50th The Day Of The Doctor References Other Sci-Fi Classics C S Hughes November 27, 2013Few people missed Doctor Who’s 50th Anniversary episode referencing both the first doctor and the first episode with the opening...
Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor – What a Good Man Should Be Olga Hughes November 25, 2013Steven Moffat promised us a lot of things for the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary special, The Day of the Doctor....
Seven Tips for Hosting a Successful Doctor Who Party in America Jamie Adair November 25, 2013Although last night’s live event is now over and this guidance may be a little late, I decided to channel...
Mark Gatiss On An Adventure In Space And Time C S Hughes November 21, 2013Mark Gatiss, actor, writer and director of shows including the League Of Gentlemen, Sherlock, First Men In The Moon and...