From ‘Pride and Prejudice’ to ‘Persuasion’: Can Jane Austen Survive the Millennium? Film & TV July 29, 2022
Channel 5’s Anne Boleyn – ‘Grumble all you like, this is how it’s going to be’ Film & TV June 12, 2021
From ‘Pride and Prejudice’ to ‘Persuasion’: Can Jane Austen Survive the Millennium? Film & TV July 29, 2022
From ‘Wicked Wife’ to ‘Insane Traitor’: The Continued Slander of Jane Boleyn History January 25, 2021
His Dark Materials Book to Screen Analysis: Episode 8 Season Finale ‘Betrayal’ His Dark Materials December 29, 2019
The Mythology of Jane Boleyn: What was Jane and Anne Boleyn’s Relationship Like? History September 13, 2022
Love Is A Dagger – In which we ponder whether for Shakespeare love is mere words, or an altogether more penetrating object. Shakespeare August 5, 2023
The problems of Richard III’s Y chromosome; the problems relating to the burials at Clare Priory, and the problems of working with Historic England HistoryRichard III May 22, 2017
The World of Richard III with Kristie Dean Olga Hughes HistoryInterviewsRichard III February 15, 2015
Kerblam? Can the Doctor Bounce Back After Series 11? Olga Hughes November 30, 2019While we have been on a break at Nerdalicous, it has been quite some time since I really wanted to...
Doctor Who Moffat Era: Adrienne’s Top Five Adrienne Dillard July 26, 2017With the Steven Moffat era of Doctor Who coming to a close, I thought it would be fun to take...
Why Doctor Who May No Longer Be A Story Of Remarkable Women C S Hughes July 17, 2017In 2005 something quite remarkable happened. Some clever and creative people at the BBC took the stalwart but long abandoned...
Certified Adult? Or a License to Nerd? Adrienne Dillard January 19, 2017I have a confession to make…I have a Doctor Who themed bathroom. Yes, I know…I know…I’m thirty five years old....
Doctor Who? Eddie Boverington August 4, 2016Throughout a very varied life I’ve always had the TARDIS. Flying through the galaxies, And filling up in Cardiff. It...
Doctor Who: The TARDIS Console Room History in Pictures Olga Hughes December 8, 2015A gallery of The TARDIS Console Room throughout fifty-two years of Doctor Who. ...
Doctor Who: Gallifrey Through the Ages Olga Hughes December 8, 2015A gallery of Gallifrey throughout fifty-two years of Doctor Who....
Doctor Who: ‘Heaven Sent, Hell Bent’ A Long Kiss Goodnight Olga Hughes December 7, 2015he first of the two part finale of Doctor Who Series 9, Heaven Sent, was one of the most superb...
Is the Peter Jackson Doctor Who Episode Happening? Olga Hughes November 30, 2015Did Peter Jackson just sign on to direct Doctor Who? Peter was so keen to direct an episode he offered...
Doctor Who: Spoiling the Raven Olga Hughes November 23, 2015Why BBC decided it was necessary to ‘reveal’ the ending of Face the Raven on Saturday well ahead of air...
Exterminate Your Woes And Worries With The Dalek Relaxation Tape C S Hughes November 22, 2015Imagine you are in a soothing pool of unidentified gelatinous goo, on a tropical island somewhere, possibly surrounded by a...
Doctor Who Sleep No More Top Ten Olga Hughes November 16, 2015You must not watch this Mark Gatiss’s latest contribution to the Doctor Who canon is a ‘found footage’ episode. When...
Catherine Carey Book Tour and Giveaway: The Doctor and the Tudors Olga Hughes November 16, 2015drienne Dillard, author of Cor Rotto: A Novel of Catherine Carey has returned with a brand new book, Catherine Carey...
Doctor Who: The Zygon Inversion Top Three Olga Hughes November 9, 2015teven Moffat and Peter Harness’s The Zygon Invasion had something to say. The follow-up, The Zygon Inversion, has established the...
Doctor Who: The Zygon Invasion Top Ten Olga Hughes November 2, 2015teven Moffat and Peter Harness’s The Zygon Invasion certainly had something to say. This is classic allegorical storytelling that strikes...
Doctor Who: The Woman Who Lived Top Ten Olga Hughes October 26, 2015I am Me I call myself Me. All the other names I chose died with whoever knew me. Me is...
Doctor Who: The Girl Who Died Top Ten Olga Hughes October 19, 2015No, no, not Vikings. I’m not in the mood for Vikings… Take that, sonic shades (although I am sure they...