From ‘Pride and Prejudice’ to ‘Persuasion’: Can Jane Austen Survive the Millennium? Film & TV July 29, 2022
Channel 5’s Anne Boleyn – ‘Grumble all you like, this is how it’s going to be’ Film & TV June 12, 2021
His Dark Materials Book to Screen Analysis: Episode Five ‘The Lost Boy’ Olga Hughes Film & TV December 5, 2019
From ‘Pride and Prejudice’ to ‘Persuasion’: Can Jane Austen Survive the Millennium? Film & TV July 29, 2022
From ‘Wicked Wife’ to ‘Insane Traitor’: The Continued Slander of Jane Boleyn History January 25, 2021
His Dark Materials Book to Screen Analysis: Episode 8 Season Finale ‘Betrayal’ His Dark Materials December 29, 2019
His Dark Materials Book to Screen Analysis: Episode Four ‘Armour’ Olga Hughes BooksFilm & TVHis Dark Materials November 27, 2019
The Mythology of Jane Boleyn: What was Jane and Anne Boleyn’s Relationship Like? History September 13, 2022
Jane Seymour projected the persona people demanded of her: An interview with Adrienne Dillard Olga Hughes BooksHistoryInterviews November 16, 2019
Love Is A Dagger – In which we ponder whether for Shakespeare love is mere words, or an altogether more penetrating object. Shakespeare August 5, 2023
The problems of Richard III’s Y chromosome; the problems relating to the burials at Clare Priory, and the problems of working with Historic England HistoryRichard III May 22, 2017
Richard III: The Road to Leicester with Amy Licence Olga Hughes March 6, 2014There are few medieval kings who have caused centuries of continual debate. The first fictional depictions of “The Tyrant” Richard...
The Third Plantagenet: George Duke of Clarence with John Ashdown-Hill Olga Hughes March 3, 2014We know him as false fleeting perjured Clarence, always as a traitor, sometimes as a drunk and a madman. We...
The Princes in the Tower with Josephine Wilkinson Olga Hughes February 25, 2014In 1483 twelve year-old King Edward V and his brother, nine year-old Richard Duke of York were taken into the...
Richard III – The Unburied King Olga Hughes February 18, 2014Leave the Lady Alone, She Should Be Buried …cried the newspaper headlines in 1965. Anne de Mowbray, 8th Countess of...
Leicester Cathedral will Bury Richard III “With Dignity and Honour” Olga Hughes February 13, 2014“We believe it is right that King Richard III stays in Leicester, and that his remains are reburied in our...
Towards Stillness: The Life, Death and Discovery of Richard III Olga Hughes February 11, 2014The sculpture commissioned by Leicestershire County Council and chosen from five shortlisted entries as part of the Cathedral Gardens project...
Fit for a King: The Burial and Reburial of Richard III with John Ashdown-Hill Olga Hughes February 4, 2014“buryed…without any pompe or solemn funerall…in thabbay of monks Franciscanes at Leycester” Polydore Vergil Today marks a full year since...
City of Leicester Forges Ahead with Richard III Plans Olga Hughes January 31, 2014The city of Leicester is not letting the battle for King Richard III’s remains dampen their enthusiasm. Work commenced on...
Dover Castle – Preparing for the End of the World Neil Kemp January 27, 2014May, 1940 and things looked bad for Britain. Very bad indeed. The bulk of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF), combined...
Just Who is the Custodian of King Richard III’s Bones? Olga Hughes January 13, 2014Where are the Bones of King Richard III? They are most certainly not in a box in the history department...
Dover Castle: The Key to the Defence of England Neil Kemp January 13, 2014Dover Castle probably fits most people’s idea of a classic medieval fortress. Incorporating a square keep at its heart, it...
Elizabeth of York and her Kings – Henry VIII Olga Hughes December 31, 2013The rise of the Tudors is the stuff of myth. Edward IV has suddenly and tragically died, and his brother...
Elizabeth of York and her Kings – Henry VII Olga Hughes December 30, 2013The marriage of Henry Tudor and Elizabeth of York was not a love match. It was arranged by their mothers...
Elizabeth of York – Great Expectations? Jamie Adair December 29, 2013In many ways, Elizabeth of York is one of the most pivotal, and yet elusive, figures in the Wars of...
Elizabeth of York and Her Kings : Richard III Olga Hughes December 18, 2013 …that with my soul I love thy daughter and do intend to make her Queen of England. That Richard...
The Mother of the Tudor Dynasty: Elizabeth of York with Amy Licence Olga Hughes December 12, 2013Elizabeth of York did not always live the charmed life a Princess, many of her childhood and teenage years were...
The Red Rose and the White: Elizabeth of York with Arlene Okerlund Olga Hughes December 11, 2013Elizabeth of York was the product of a love match. Her parents King Edward IV and Elizabeth Woodville had a...