From ‘Pride and Prejudice’ to ‘Persuasion’: Can Jane Austen Survive the Millennium? Film & TV July 29, 2022
Channel 5’s Anne Boleyn – ‘Grumble all you like, this is how it’s going to be’ Film & TV June 12, 2021
From ‘Pride and Prejudice’ to ‘Persuasion’: Can Jane Austen Survive the Millennium? Film & TV July 29, 2022
From ‘Wicked Wife’ to ‘Insane Traitor’: The Continued Slander of Jane Boleyn History January 25, 2021
His Dark Materials Book to Screen Analysis: Episode 8 Season Finale ‘Betrayal’ His Dark Materials December 29, 2019
The Mythology of Jane Boleyn: What was Jane and Anne Boleyn’s Relationship Like? History September 13, 2022
Amy Licence’s Cecily Neville Mother of Kings Excerpt “His Young Duchess” Olga Hughes History May 8, 2014
Love Is A Dagger – In which we ponder whether for Shakespeare love is mere words, or an altogether more penetrating object. Shakespeare August 5, 2023
The problems of Richard III’s Y chromosome; the problems relating to the burials at Clare Priory, and the problems of working with Historic England HistoryRichard III May 22, 2017
In New Horizons Photographs We Discover The Monsters of Pluto C S Hughes July 25, 2015New Horizons spacecraft has carried a collection of imagers, spectrometers, radiometers and telescopes around the sun, past Jupiter and on,...
Mr Squiggle A Retro Perspective C S Hughes February 15, 2015Notoriously irascible, the artist known only as Mr Squiggle shares more than his reputation as a “lady’s man” with Pablo...
Gourmet Paper Mache Presents A Timelapse Of The Great Red Dragon C S Hughes December 9, 2014Dragons. Beasts wrested from our darkest subconscious which take flight in our highest dreams. In medieval times they were known...
Towards Stillness: Towards the Final Journey of King Richard III Olga Hughes November 20, 2014When the Leicestershire County Council commissioned Towards Stillness, Dallas Pierce Quintero was asked to create an artwork that connected Bosworth,...
The Imaginative Miniature Worlds of Pollock’s 19th Century Toy Theatre C S Hughes October 12, 2014Today children through iPads and phones have a world of entertainment in the palms of their hands. Untold shows, games,...
Sensible Sober Bright and Temperant – 1960s Alert Magazine C S Hughes July 13, 2014ith the overwhelming change to a more permissive society in the late 1960s, the idea of a Temperance Society seems to...
The Short And Startling History Of Animals Without Pants C S Hughes July 3, 2014rchaeologists and anthropologists will tell you; humans wear clothes for warmth, protection and decoration. Psychologists will tell you we wear...
Welcome to the Mewseum: Svetlana Petrova’s Classic Cats Olga Hughes May 29, 2014Every nerd loves a great cat meme, and artist Svetlana Petrova’s work on classic paintings featuring her big ginger cat...
Artist Creates Epic 30-Foot Long Star Wars Tapestry Olga Hughes February 22, 2014Inspired by the legendary 230-foot long Bayeux Tapestry, artist Aled Lewis has created an epic cross-stitched tapestry depicting the Star...
Nerds Get Stuff Sold! Best Nerdy Ads of All Time Dave Smith January 20, 2014Many of us would consider ourselves a bit nerdy, perhaps even geeky. Most of the time, we take pride in...
Three Must See Comic Book Museums C S Hughes January 5, 2014The Bayeux Tapestry Museum The Bayeux Tapestry is perhaps the most famous of ancient comic strips. It depicts events leading...
Dirty Little Secrets – Sarah Rosado Finds Jewels In The Dirt C S Hughes January 4, 2014There is something primal about making pictures out of dirt, twigs, bark and found objects. It is perhaps our first...
Henry VIII’s Diabolical Portrait C S Hughes November 29, 2013When Angie and Rhodri Powell found a near life size portrait hidden under the plaster of their 16th century home...
The Hidden Political Agendas In Richard Scarry’s Naughty Bunny C S Hughes October 17, 2013Richard Scarry’s Naughty Bunny is a children’s book, published by Golden Press, Sydney, in 1974, by arrangement with Western Publishing...
Ten of the Weirdest Book Covers for The Hobbit Olga Hughes September 2, 2013Barbara Remington —but I must ask this about the vignette: what has it got to do with the story? Where...
The Innocence of Sin City’s Robots C S Hughes August 9, 2013Geoffrey Gersten’s robots share a little with Pixar, but not much with Disney, they have a definite inheritance from the...
Treasures In Wood – Ron Young’s Jewellery Boxes C S Hughes May 18, 2013With their flowing, organic designs, exotic, rich-grained timbers, and deep lustre brought out by hand finishing, the jewellery and trinket...