From ‘Pride and Prejudice’ to ‘Persuasion’: Can Jane Austen Survive the Millennium? Film & TV July 29, 2022
Channel 5’s Anne Boleyn – ‘Grumble all you like, this is how it’s going to be’ Film & TV June 12, 2021
From ‘Pride and Prejudice’ to ‘Persuasion’: Can Jane Austen Survive the Millennium? Film & TV July 29, 2022
From ‘Wicked Wife’ to ‘Insane Traitor’: The Continued Slander of Jane Boleyn History January 25, 2021
His Dark Materials Book to Screen Analysis: Episode 8 Season Finale ‘Betrayal’ His Dark Materials December 29, 2019
The Mythology of Jane Boleyn: What was Jane and Anne Boleyn’s Relationship Like? History September 13, 2022
Love Is A Dagger – In which we ponder whether for Shakespeare love is mere words, or an altogether more penetrating object. Shakespeare August 5, 2023
Shakespeare’s ‘Merchant of Venice’ Why Shylock Is More Relevant Than Ever Olga Hughes Shakespeare March 7, 2022
The problems of Richard III’s Y chromosome; the problems relating to the burials at Clare Priory, and the problems of working with Historic England HistoryRichard III May 22, 2017
1000 Years Of Cnut C S Hughes May 7, 2017Firstly, do not read this if you are dyslexic. And no tittering in the back row. This is mostly a...
A Diary of Anne Boleyn A Poem by James Walton C S Hughes November 12, 2016A Diary of Anne Boleyn My ladies weep in the vernacular tongue kneeling in the French style I caught the...
A Call For Grand Emojis C S Hughes September 29, 2015We all know what emoticons and emojis are, they are the cute little images that are part of operating systems...
Fuckin Abbot C S Hughes August 21, 2015The first recorded use of the word in English occurs in a 1528 manuscript copy of Cicero’s epic work of...
The Mystery Of The Sword At The Crossroads C S Hughes August 16, 2015In pagan times a river was seen as the crossroads between worlds, the life giving property of water, the power...
Shakespeare Or Not Shakespeare, That Is The Question C S Hughes May 21, 2015Historian and botanist Mark Griffiths in a recent article in Country Life Magazine claimed to have discovered the only verifiable...
Richard III – For A Horse C S Hughes March 30, 2015CATESBY Rescue, my Lord of Norfolk, rescue, rescue! The king enacts more wonders than a man, Daring an opposite to...
How A Lost Sherlock Holmes Helped Almost Save The Selkirk Bridge C S Hughes February 21, 2015In 1902 the Ettrick Water swelled and flooded and washed away the Bannerfield’s Bridge, an old rickety wooden structure that...
A Bit Past Australia Day – Or How The Kangaroo Got His Tale C S Hughes January 30, 2015A traditional Aboriginal creation story may tell you the tale of how, in the Dreamtime, there was a particularly greedy...
1666 A Witch’s Eye View Of The Great Fire Of London C S Hughes January 23, 2015History records that the Great Fire Of London began in the early hours of the 2nd of September, 1666, in...
Sleepy Hollow – Was Benjamin Franklin Really A Nudist? C S Hughes September 23, 2014The new season of Sleepy Hollow began in spectacular fashion, with our heroes Ichabod, Jenny and Abbie racing against time...
The Short And Startling History Of Animals Without Pants C S Hughes July 3, 2014rchaeologists and anthropologists will tell you; humans wear clothes for warmth, protection and decoration. Psychologists will tell you we wear...
Henry VIII’s Diabolical Portrait C S Hughes November 29, 2013When Angie and Rhodri Powell found a near life size portrait hidden under the plaster of their 16th century home...
Damned Richard C S Hughes October 6, 2013Richard The Third as portrayed by Aneurin Barnard in the TV adaptation of Philippa Gregory’s The Cousins’ War trilogy, The...
What Is History? C S Hughes September 28, 2013It is said speculation is the spice on the lumpy porridge of history. Satire is the plums. History itself is...
Varlet – From Medieval Servant to Medieval Insult C S Hughes August 12, 2013 var·let /ˈvärlət/ 1. A man or boy acting as a menial servant 2. A knight’s page 3. A...