The Toei Animation Company’s Sailor Moon anime reboot, announced in 2012 at the Sailor Moon 20th Anniversary celebrations, was scheduled for release in January, 2014. The new series release has now been rescheduled for July, 2014.
It is almost, completely definite that it will show in July. It will be available worldwide streaming on the Japanese video site niconico in English and many other languages.
The reboot’s producer at Toei, Atsutoshi Umezawa, has also indicated that the production has gone back to Naoko Takeuchi’s original 1992 manga as its source.
This second anime adaptation of Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon is not remaking the previous anime, but adapting the original manga and starting from scratch again. It is quite a project. The entire staff has been working hard to show everyone an entirely new Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon, so please look forward to it.
While there may be changes to some of the plots, storylines and characters, hopefully the new series will maintain the joyful cheesiness and unashamed romanticism of the original. Improvements in animation technology should result in a greater visual spectacular than the original animation, we can be certain at least the theme song will be the same. Japanese pop-idol group Momoiro Clover Z, who have previously done theme songs for Joshiraku and Bodacious Space Pirates, amongst others, will be performing the classic original theme Moonlight Densetsu, by Tetsuya Komoro and Kanako Oda. Here’s a preview with an amusing clip starring the group as your favourite Bishoujo Senshi from a Japanese TV show.