Getting Through – Jimmy Little On The Line – Alert 1966


“I WANT to use my talent, everything that I am, to tell people about high ideals and better living.”

This was Jimmy Little speaking to me as we relaxed together in his home at Balmain, Sydney.

A professional singer for the past twelve years, Jimmy Little, the true Australian artist of aboriginal parentage, is in the top bracket as a TV and recording star. Jimmy made his mark with the song “Royal Telephone.” It came out around the same time as the unique spiritual telephone community service “Dial-a-Prayer” was launched. This service sponsored by Seventh-day Adventists is now Australia and New Zealand wide, and is listed in Telephone Service pages.

Jimmy has made a number of albums on Festival recordings – songs that include “Never Walk Alone,” “Trees,” “Beyond The Sunset,” and “Whispering Hope.”

Singing, he says, was a part of their family life, “and Mum and Dad endeavoured to teach us to choose the best.”

Jimmy only sings for one purpose – to get a message across. “Communication is important to me, I plan to get across. I want to be able to sing and sing until people are ready to listen to me speak.”

“Fans build a daydream around artists. That is why I want to live so that people will be able to say, ‘I want to be like Jimmy Little.’ I want to be an example, that’s why I choose not to drink or smoke; that’s why I’m a Christian,” he explained.

“A purpose for living is the answer to most people’s problems, especially the aboriginal liquor problem. I have always recognized Someone greater than myself. They need a spiritual experience, otherwise the pressures and difficulties of life will overcome them,” he added.

As we parted Jimmy gave this last thought: “Regardless of race, colour or creed, liquor is unnecessary and a dangerous enjoyment.” We congratulate him for his convictions and appreciate his example of better living.

Reprinted from Alert Magazine, January 1 1966

Edited by Ernest H J Steed