His natural inclination is to oppose all things debateable, taking great pride in persuading himself that he makes the world believe one thing instead of another…
On Henry VIII LP XI 40
I leave you to judge whether, being English and having long frequented the Court, she would not hold it a sin to be a maid.
On Jane Seymour LP X 901
You never saw prince nor man who made greater show of his (cuckold’s) horns or bore them more pleasantly. I leave you to imagine the cause.
On Henry VIII’s behaviour during Anne Boleyn’s fall LP X 909
It is like the case of the woman who cried more bitterly at the loss of her tenth husband than at the deaths of all the others together, though they had all been good men, but it was because she had never buried one of them before without being sure of the next…
On Henry VIII’s sorrow after Catherine Howard’s betrayal LP XVI 1403
She is a pretty young creature, with wit enough to do as badly as the others if she were to try.
On Henry VIII showing interest in ladies at court LP XVII 92
He will not, I think, be in a hurry to marry; besides, few, if any, ladies now at Court would aspire to such an honour…
On Henry VIII’s marriage prospects after Catherine Howard’s execution LP XVII 124
It’s Tudor History Week for Tudor Geeks on Nerdalicious. Keep an eye out for more articles and interviews this week in History.