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Sydney Luncheon with George R.R. Martin

The Opera House event Game of Thrones: In Conversation with George R.R. Martin and Peter Dinklage is sold out. If the varlets at the Opera House didn’t send you an email for the pre-sale even if you registered for it weeks before and the tickets were gone by the time you got through at lunchtime I sympathise. There are a few $500 tickets left if you’re feeling rich.

Dymocks is hosting a luncheon with George on the 12th of November, however, if you missed out. A rather more intimate event than the Opera House I am sure, there will be a talk, Q&A and a book signing (hooray!).

Official Details:

George R. R. Martin Luncheon- Tuesday 12 November 2013 Commencing at 12.30 p.m.
Venue TBC – CBD Sydney Location.
$95 includes a two course meal and all beverages.
Best to arrive at 12 Noon. Lunch 12.30 pm followed by talk and Q&A and book signing with George R.R. Martin
You can book tickets here.


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